
Living Near Fracking Sites Increases Risk of Early Death, Study Finds

Living Near Fracking Sites Increases Risk of Early Death, Study Finds

A new study shows that older adults who live near or downwind of unconventional oil and gas developments (UOGD), such as fracking sites and directional drilling, experience higher risks of early deaths. The study, published in the journal Nature Energy by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, is the first time researchers have been […]

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    Fracking 101: What You Should Know

    Fracking 101: What You Should Know

    What is fracking? Fracking is a process of blasting water, chemicals and frac sand deep into the earth to break up sedimentary rock and access natural gas and crude oil deposits. The fracking industry, which has sought to promote the practice as safe and controlled, has preferred the term “hydraulic fracturing.” Fracking emerged as an […]

    Sky-High Levels of Fracking Chemicals Detected in Children’s Bodies

    Sky-High Levels of Fracking Chemicals Detected in Children’s Bodies

    While the hazards of fracking to human health are well-documented, first-of-its-kind research from Environmental Health News shows the actual levels of biomarkers for fracking chemicals in the bodies of children living near fracking wells far higher than in the general population. The research fills a gap in the science between the health harms experienced by […]

    How One Utah Community Fought the Fracking Industry — and Won

    How One Utah Community Fought the Fracking Industry — and Won

    By Tara Lohan A sign at the north end of Kanab, Utah, proclaims the town of 4,300 to be “The Greatest Earth on Show.” It’s a rare case of truth in advertising. Kanab sits just seven miles north of the Arizona state line, at the crossroads of some of the Southwest’s most beautiful places. In […]

    Will the Public End up Paying to Clean up the Fracking Boom?

    Will the Public End up Paying to Clean up the Fracking Boom?

    By Justin Mikulka Increasingly, U.S. shale firms appear unable to pay back investors for the money borrowed to fuel the last decade of the fracking boom. In a similar vein, those companies also seem poised to stiff the public on cleanup costs for abandoned oil and gas wells once the producers have moved on. “It’s […]