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    UN Confirms 2014 Was ‘Hottest Year on Record’

    UN Confirms 2014 Was ‘Hottest Year on Record’

    Not only was 2014 the hottest year ever recorded but 14 out of the 15 hottest years since 1850 have occurred in the 21st century, according to new data released today by the UN’s weather agency, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). With the evidence of climate change apparent, the pressure will be on governments to overcome their […]

    New Satellite Data Reveals Dramatic Shrinkage of Arctic Ice Cap

    New Satellite Data Reveals Dramatic Shrinkage of Arctic Ice Cap

    An ice cap in the high Arctic has lost what British scientists say is a significant amount of ice in an unusually short time. Ice caps and glaciers such as this one in Svalbard account for about a third of recent global sea level rise. Photo credit: Woodwalker via Wikimedia Commons It has thinned by […]

    Robert Redford: Fossil Fuels Need to Stay in the Ground, Renewable Energy Is the Future

    Robert Redford: Fossil Fuels Need to Stay in the Ground, Renewable Energy Is the Future

    Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman sat down today with Robert Redford, the Oscar-winning director, actor and longtime environmentalist, at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. In the interview, Goodman jumps right in by asking Redford, founder of Sundance Film Festival, about last week’s vote where half of the Senate refused to formally acknowledge the existence of man-made climate change. […]

    How Trade Agreements Facilitate Short-Term Profits for Multinational Corporations

    How Trade Agreements Facilitate Short-Term Profits for Multinational Corporations

    In 1997, Canada restricted import and transfer of the gasoline additive MMT because it was a suspected neurotoxin that had already been banned in Europe. Ethyl Corp., the U.S. multinational that supplied the chemical, sued the government for $350 million under the North American Free Trade Agreement and won! Canada was forced to repeal the […]

    12 Must-Read Quotes by Bill Nye the Science Guy

    12 Must-Read Quotes by Bill Nye the Science Guy

    Bill Nye has been vocal in combatting attacks on science from climate deniers in Congress to his advocacy for GMO labeling. He even did a hilarious bit with John Oliver on how absurd it is that the science on climate change is inconclusive. His recently published book, Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation, goes beyond the debate […]

    Pharrell and Al Gore Announce ‘Live Earth Road to Paris’

    Pharrell and Al Gore Announce ‘Live Earth Road to Paris’

    Hoping to rival the attention earned by 1985’s Live Aid concerts, environmental awareness concerts Live Earth took place in 11 locations in July 2007. But the second, scheduled for Mumbai, Indian, in December 2008, was cancelled after the November terrorist attacks on the city, and the idea was never revived. Al Gore, Pharrell plan Live […]

    How Palm Oil, Fruit Bats and Deforestation Could Be Linked to Ebola Epidemic

    How Palm Oil, Fruit Bats and Deforestation Could Be Linked to Ebola Epidemic

    There is no question that the tragic and deadly spread of Ebola in West Africa is tied to the longstanding poverty in the region, and exacerbated by a woefully inadequate medical response by the international health community. Less obvious are the links between the rampant deforestation in the region, rapid agricultural development and the killer […]

    Remarkable Images of California’s Epic Drought Show Impact on Farmers

    Remarkable Images of California’s Epic Drought Show Impact on Farmers

    With California experiencing the worst drought in 1,200 years, recent NASA satellite images documenting the stunning groundwater loss in California and the announcement last week that 2014 was the hottest year on record attributable to drivers of climate change, it’s vitally important that the seriousness of this issue stays top of mind for people, companies and policymakers. One award-winning photojournalist, […]