
2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record

2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record

Climate scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the 2014 global temperatures today, and the news they delivered is a blow to climate deniers who argue that climate change-driven global warming isn’t happening. expand=1] The scientists revealed that 2014 was the hottest year in 134 years of record keeping, with […]

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    10 Most Important Environmental Stories of 2014

    10 Most Important Environmental Stories of 2014

    The calendar is about to flip over once again, meaning it’s time for the obligatory roundup of the most important environmental stories of the past year. This list is mostly subjective—my own personal picks, filtered through my own lens. But I did reach out to a several dozen environmental activists and thinkers to tap into […]

    Richard Branson and Amory Lovins Join Forces to Accelerate Clean Energy Revolution

    Richard Branson and Amory Lovins Join Forces to Accelerate Clean Energy Revolution

    The world’s three biggest carbon emitters—the U.S., China, and the European Union—have all announced emissions goals or limits in the past few months. That’s great news, but global fossil fuel demand continues to rise, and with it, so do climate change’s risks—to the economy, to the environment, to security, to human health and to people […]

    Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells ‘High Emitters’ of Methane Gas

    Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells ‘High Emitters’ of Methane Gas

    Natural gas has been sold to us as the environmentally friendly fossil fuel compared to gas or coal since it doesn’t release carbon emissions. We’ve learned that’s not true, since drilling for natural gas can release methane, a far more potential greenhouse gas in contributing to climate change. Even when oil and gas are no […]

    New Zealanders Bury Heads in Sand … Just Like Their Government

    New Zealanders Bury Heads in Sand … Just Like Their Government

    Yesterday hundreds of people across New Zealand buried their heads in sand to send a clear message to the New Zealand Government—get your head out of the sand and do something useful on climate change. With 12 events spanning the length of the country, and timed to coincide with the United Nations climate talks in Lima, Peru […]

    McDonald’s Palm Oil Policy: Not ‘Lovin’ It’

    McDonald’s Palm Oil Policy: Not ‘Lovin’ It’

    In the fall of 1960, my parents took my little brother and me to the first McDonald’s in the Cleveland area. It looked like a spaceship, with bright yellow arches on either side of a gleaming white building adorned with red, horizontal stripes. In front was the chain’s signature sign topped by Speedee the Chef—Ronald […]

    Revolutionary Poop-Powered Bus Hits UK Roads

    Revolutionary Poop-Powered Bus Hits UK Roads

    A new frontier in biofuel has been attained in the UK. Wessex Water in southern England announced that it is supplying fuel for a 40-seat “Bio-Bus,” owned by the Bath Bus Company, that will be running regular trips from Bath in southwest England to the Bristol Airport. The city of Bath launched the bus to […]

    Investigation Exposes Revolving Door Between Fossil Fuel Lobbyists and Politicians

    Investigation Exposes Revolving Door Between Fossil Fuel Lobbyists and Politicians

    There was much speculation about Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu‘s motivation for pushing the first full Senate vote this week on approving the Keystone XL pipeline. Some revolved around her trying to improve her chances in the Dec. 6 Senate runoff against Republican Congressman Bill Cassidy (neither candidate got a majority on Nov. 4). Others say she’s […]

    New Study Finds Tar Sands Oil Calculations Out of Whack

    New Study Finds Tar Sands Oil Calculations Out of Whack

    By Ted Auch Now that we as a nation have weathered another silly season’s worth of campaign ads, lawn signs and less than insightful debates between the country’s two—and in the case of Vermont’s gubernatorial election, seven—parties; it is time to get down to the job of governing this fine country and finding potential legislation […]