
Lawsuit Filed to Protect Struggling Walruses from Arctic Oil Drilling

Lawsuit Filed to Protect Struggling Walruses from Arctic Oil Drilling

Threats to walruses in the Arctic are in the spotlight again, as six environmental and conservation groups have filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) challenging a rule that would allow oil companies to begin drilling in key walrus feeding areas in the Arctic’s Chukchi Sea by next year. Shell has […]

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    Future Investments in Fossil Fuels Look Dim

    Future Investments in Fossil Fuels Look Dim

    Like most central bank governors, Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, chooses his words carefully. So the financial community—and government policy makers—sat up and took notice earlier this month when Carney, addressing a World Bank seminar on corporate reporting standards, said he was concerned about investments in fossil fuels. Investors are being repeatedly told […]

    The Great March for Climate Action

    The Great March for Climate Action

    Uncharacteristic Los Angeles rains weren’t enough to dampen the spirits of The Great March for Climate Action at the launch of this epic journey. Luckily, there was a break in the rains long enough for a dry and inspiring rally at Wilmington Waterfront Park. Behind the stage, stretched across the horizon, towered an oil refinery and […]

    MUST-SEE: Stephen Colbert and Neil Young Sing ‘Who’s Gonna Stand Up?’

    MUST-SEE: Stephen Colbert and Neil Young Sing ‘Who’s Gonna Stand Up?’

    Neil Young and “Crazy Host,” aka Stephen Colbert, performed a duet version of Young’s new environmental song “Who’s Gonna Stand Up? (and Save the Earth)” last night on The Colbert Report. The Colbert Report Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Colbert Report on Facebook With Colbert playing his usual straightman role dressed in […]

    Can Organic Agriculture Reverse Climate Change?

    Can Organic Agriculture Reverse Climate Change?

    Over the last 14 days, I have been on a walk. A walk that, I hope, will change the way that we look a climate change and think about how we can reverse this disastrous phenomenon. Each day I walk ten miles, on a journey from the Rodale Institute in Kutztown, PA to Washington, DC. […]

    Climate Action = Economic Gains

    Climate Action = Economic Gains

    Evidence continues to pour in that policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions not only aren’t detrimental to economic growth but in fact can fuel it. A new study by World Resources Institute, Seeing Is Believing: Creating a New Climate Economy in the United States, adds compelling evidence by providing examples of areas where government policies […]

    Reducing Carbon Emissions Would Fuel Global Economy

    Reducing Carbon Emissions Would Fuel Global Economy

    Evidence is amassing to discredit those middle-ground politicians who say they think climate change is real but don’t think we should address it because of the steep economic costs. With the right policies, moving from fossil fuels into renewable energy could mean trillions of savings to be invested in economic growth. Photo credit: Shutterstock Two […]

    Victory for Greenpeace Campaign as LEGO Dumps Shell Oil

    Victory for Greenpeace Campaign as LEGO Dumps Shell Oil

    After an intense three-month campaign by Greenpeace that included the most viral video in its history, LEGO announced that it is ending its partnership with Shell Oil Company.  “It’s a massive victory for the million people globally who called on LEGO to stop helping Shell look like a responsible and caring company rather than a […]

    Find Out Which State Contributes Most to Climate Change

    Find Out Which State Contributes Most to Climate Change

    Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the 2013 figures for its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, now in its fourth year. These figures show which states, as well as which industry sectors and which individual businesses, produce the most climate change-inducing greenhouse gas emissions. The undisputed winner—or loser, if you prefer—is Texas, with its […]