
5 Celebrities Busted as Part of #DroughtShaming

5 Celebrities Busted as Part of #DroughtShaming

Californians reduced their overall water usage by 29 percent in May. This is impressive because it exceeds the mandatory 25 percent reduction set by Gov. Brown in April, which didn’t even take effect until June. Still, California needs to continue to reduce its water use amidst an epic drought. So, some Californians have taken to drought shaming people—even […]

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    Extreme Heat Triggers Sex Change in Lizards

    Extreme Heat Triggers Sex Change in Lizards

    Climate change may cause gender switching. Now, there’s a line to motivate conservative politicians to cut carbon pollution. Extreme heat caused by climate change may eliminate male bearded dragons. Photo credit: Arthur Georges Let me explain. A team of ecologists has proven that temperature, not just genetics, plays a role in determining the sex of […]

    5 Reasons Environmentalists Distrust Hillary Clinton

    5 Reasons Environmentalists Distrust Hillary Clinton

    Dear Secretary Clinton, In your husband’s years in office, the greenhouse effect was still fairly novel science; even eight years ago, when you were first running for president, climate change was not yet really a top-tier issue. In a sense, then, this summer marks the first chance most Americans have to really find out what […]

    June 2015 Smashes Heat and Rainfall Records in U.S.

    June 2015 Smashes Heat and Rainfall Records in U.S.

    June has been a crazy weather month. Then again, so were the first five months of the year. Globally, it’s shaping up to be the hottest year on record by far. It’s not just heat either. Some parts of the U.S. have recently seen record rainfall. May was the wettest month ever recorded in the U.S., and many […]

    Q & A With Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein

    Q & A With Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein

    Green Party candidate Jill Stein officially announced she is running in the 2016 presidential race on June 22, during an interview on Democracy Now!. She held a campaign kickoff event the following day at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, where antiwar activist Medea Benjamin and racial justice activist Marsha Coleman-Adebayo introduced and endorsed […]

    Alaska’s Rapidly Melting Glaciers: A Major Driver of Global Sea Level Rise

    Alaska’s Rapidly Melting Glaciers: A Major Driver of Global Sea Level Rise

    The glaciers of Alaska are melting and retreating: the chief cause is climate change and the loss of ice is unlikely to slow, according to a new study by U.S. scientists. Alaska’s Columbia Glacier is almost 20 kilometers shorter than it was in 1980. Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Wikimedia Commons They calculate […]

    Pope or Kochs: Republicans, Who Do You Stand With?

    Pope or Kochs: Republicans, Who Do You Stand With?

    Pope Francis is shaking up the world with his activism on climate change. Fossil fuel billionaires Charles and David Koch have vowed to spend nearly $900 million to put a climate denier in the White House. And Republican candidates for president such as Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum have been telling the Pope to mind his […]

    10 Coastal Destinations Most at Risk From Sea Level Rise

    10 Coastal Destinations Most at Risk From Sea Level Rise

    Many of the U.S.’s loveliest national parks—favorites for tourists, families and recreational athletes—lie along its shores. They attract millions of visitors a year and they are under threat from rising sea levels caused by climate change. Fire Island is one of the popular east coast areas under threat from rising sea levels. Photo credit: National Park […]

    Satellite Data Shows Underground Aquifers Are Running Out of Water

    Satellite Data Shows Underground Aquifers Are Running Out of Water

    The planet’s great subterranean stores of water are running out—and nobody can be sure how much remains to supply billions of people in the future. Satellite instruments used to measure the flow from 37 underground aquifers between 2003 and 2013 have revealed that at least one-third of them were seriously stressed—with little or almost no […]