
Revolutionary Poop-Powered Bus Hits UK Roads

Revolutionary Poop-Powered Bus Hits UK Roads

A new frontier in biofuel has been attained in the UK. Wessex Water in southern England announced that it is supplying fuel for a 40-seat “Bio-Bus,” owned by the Bath Bus Company, that will be running regular trips from Bath in southwest England to the Bristol Airport. The city of Bath launched the bus to […]

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    10 Reasons Renewable Energy Can Save the Planet

    10 Reasons Renewable Energy Can Save the Planet

    As the world’s leading climate scientists finalize the latest and most comprehensive report on climate change and ways to tackle it, a key question is: What is new? What has changed since the release of the UN climate panel’s last Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007? On the “solutions” side, the answer is pretty straightforward: Nuclear power hasn’t changed much. […]

    Developing Countries Invest in Renewables Twice the Pace of Industrialized Nations

    Developing Countries Invest in Renewables Twice the Pace of Industrialized Nations

    A popular narrative among climate deniers and green energy pooh-poohers is that addressing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change by promoting clean energy sources is a burden on the world’s poorer countries and prevents their citizens from having access to affordable energy. A new report, Climatescope 2014: Mapping the Global Frontier for Clean Energy Investment, […]

    4 Reasons Natural Gas Is a Bridge to Nowhere in the Caribbean

    4 Reasons Natural Gas Is a Bridge to Nowhere in the Caribbean

    Caribbean island residents pay some of the highest retail electricity prices in the world. Most islands generate 90 – 100 percent of their electricity by burning expensive imported diesel or heavy fuel oil in large generators. Thus Caribbean electricity users pay between $0.20 and $0.50/kWh (kilowatt hour). By comparison, the average for mainland U.S. residential customers is $0.13/kWh; […]

    10 Most Energy Efficient States

    10 Most Energy Efficient States

    How does your state stack up when it comes to energy efficiency? The nonprofit American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has just issued its eighth annual State Energy Efficiency Scoreboard, which assesses states based on policies that encourage energy savings, efficiency investments and jobs in the clean energy sector. So you can look it up. Does your […]

    Top 10 Greenest Countries in the World

    Top 10 Greenest Countries in the World

    How green is your native land? The 4th edition of the Global Green Economy Index, produced by private U.S.-based consultancy Dual Citizen LLC, has just been released, and you can look it up. The index provides an in-depth look at how 60 countries and 70 cities are doing in developing more environmentally friendly economies, in […]

    Future Investments in Fossil Fuels Look Dim

    Future Investments in Fossil Fuels Look Dim

    Like most central bank governors, Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, chooses his words carefully. So the financial community—and government policy makers—sat up and took notice earlier this month when Carney, addressing a World Bank seminar on corporate reporting standards, said he was concerned about investments in fossil fuels. Investors are being repeatedly told […]

    Walmart’s Walton Family Threatens America’s Renewable Energy Future

    Walmart’s Walton Family Threatens America’s Renewable Energy Future

    [Editor’s note: I was contacted by Daphne David Moore, communications director of The Walton Family Foundation, denying that the foundation ever donated to ALEC. After I provided the source showing The Walton Family Foundation as a Chairman level sponsor of ALEC’s 2011 annual meeting, Moore stated: “The foundation was not a sponsor. A grant was considered, but not made.” When asked if the […]