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    Fossil Fuel Industry Was Aware of Climate Threats as Early as 1954, New Documents Reveal

    Fossil Fuel Industry Was Aware of Climate Threats as Early as 1954, New Documents Reveal

    Newly discovered documents confirm that the petroleum and automobile industries funded the early climate science of Charles David Keeling at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) from 1954 to 1956. Keeling became known for the “Keeling Curve,” which demonstrated the upward trajectory of the planet’s carbon dioxide levels. The documents show that industry leaders were […]

    BLM Proposes 22 Million Acres of Public Lands for Solar Energy

    BLM Proposes 22 Million Acres of Public Lands for Solar Energy

    In order to help the United States transition to renewable energy, the Department of the Interior has announced a new solar energy “roadmap,” including 22 million acres of public lands to expand solar energy development in the West, a press release from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) said. The BLM also announced plans for […]