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    Tigers Declared Extinct in Cambodia

    Tigers Declared Extinct in Cambodia

    Due to years of illegal poaching and loss of habitat, tigers are now “functionally extinct” in Cambodia, conservationists conceded for the first time Wednesday. RT if you want to see Cambodia increase its commitment to wild tigers! → 🐯 x 🐯 #doubletigers — WWF Tigers (@WWF_tigers) April 5, 2016 According to World Wildlife […]

    Family of Wolves Shot Dead in Oregon

    Family of Wolves Shot Dead in Oregon

    By Joe Donnelly The bullet he’d been dodging for many years finally caught up with the great Oregon wolf, OR4, Thursday. In the early afternoon, officials from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) shot to death the patriarch of the Imnaha Pack from a helicopter over Wallowa County, an area where gray wolves […]

    Leonardo DiCaprio Faces Deportation Threat After Criticizing Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry

    Leonardo DiCaprio Faces Deportation Threat After Criticizing Indonesia’s Palm Oil Industry

    Leonardo DiCaprio has been threatened with deportation by officials from the Indonesian government after the actor’s recent visit to the Leuser Ecosystem and his vocal stance against the area’s industrial development for palm oil, according to several Indonesian publications. Dianggap Diskreditkan Indonesia, DiCaprio Terancam Dideportasi — Media Indonesia (@mediaindonesia) March 31, 2016 DiCaprio has been reportedly accused […]

    Jeff Bridges: Plastic Is a Substance the Earth Cannot Digest

    Jeff Bridges: Plastic Is a Substance the Earth Cannot Digest

    By Elizabeth Glazner, Plastic Pollution Coalition Jeff Bridges knows that plastic is a substance the Earth cannot digest. Worldwide reliance on disposable plastic packaging and utensils is poisoning our bodies, killing wildlife and overwhelming our planet. Single-use plastic deepens our dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to climate change and further harming our most at-risk communities. […]

    Leonardo DiCaprio: We Must Save the Last Place on Earth Where Orangutans, Tigers, Rhinos and Elephants Coexist

    Leonardo DiCaprio: We Must Save the Last Place on Earth Where Orangutans, Tigers, Rhinos and Elephants Coexist

    Leonardo DiCaprio is using his clout to protect the struggling Leuser Ecosystem, a precious rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia that’s under threat from industrial development for palm oil. [instagram expand=1] The Oscar winning actor and prominent environmental activist spent the weekend in the forest with fellow actors Adrien Brody and Fisher Stevens. According to The […]

    3 Vaquitas Found Dead: The Most Endangered Marine Mammal in the World

    3 Vaquitas Found Dead: The Most Endangered Marine Mammal in the World

    By Captain Oona Layolle It is high season for totoaba poaching. In response to the Asian black markets and their demand for the totoaba swim bladders, illegal fishermen, despite all our efforts in removing nets and working with the navy, are hitting the vaquita population hard. Asian countries need to take measures to curtail the […]