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    5 Shark Species That Should Be Revered, Not Feared

    5 Shark Species That Should Be Revered, Not Feared

    By Diana Tarrazo This week is the Discovery Channel’s highly-anticipated Shark Week, which features programs about one of the ocean’s top predators. The week’s star-studded cast includes the great white and the tiger shark, which are featured in programs with names like The Killing Games,Deadliest Shark and Wrath of a Great White Serial Killer. In […]

    If You Love Sharks, You Should Think Twice Before Buying Tuna

    If You Love Sharks, You Should Think Twice Before Buying Tuna

    By Jackie Dragon If you love sharks, you may want to think twice before buying that can of tuna. Sharks are an iconic victim of the global crisis facing our oceans today. Every year, more sharks and rays appear on the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of Threatened Species […]

    Temperature-Induced Sex Change Could Drive This Species to Extinction

    Temperature-Induced Sex Change Could Drive This Species to Extinction

    Increasing temperatures due to climate change is altering the demographics of the central bearded dragon population and possibly sending the species into extinction. DNews Like a lot of reptiles, Discovery News said, the gender of central bearded dragons depends on their chromosomes and the temperature at which the eggs are incubated. The egg is born […]

    Leonardo DiCaprio, Morgan Freeman Join Call to Ban Sale of Shark Fins in U.S.

    Leonardo DiCaprio, Morgan Freeman Join Call to Ban Sale of Shark Fins in U.S.

    Leonardo DiCaprio, oscar-winning actor and well-known advocate for the planet, has joined the #FinBanNow call to end the sale of shark fins in the U.S. On June 23, Oceana, along with four members of congress, introduced the Shark Fin Elimination Act of 2016 (S.3095/H.R.5584), beginning the call to action. The bill would ban the sale […]

    Perdue Unveils Ambitious Animal Welfare Plan … But Is It Enough?

    Perdue Unveils Ambitious Animal Welfare Plan … But Is It Enough?

    By Willy Blackmore Craig Watts raised broiler chickens for Perdue for more than two decades—until he let the animal welfare group Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) film inside one of his barns in 2014. As a result, Americans got an HD look at how their favorite meat is raised. In the video, which has been […]

    Buenos Aires to Close 140-Year-Old Zoo, Saying ‘Captivity Is Degrading’

    Buenos Aires to Close 140-Year-Old Zoo, Saying ‘Captivity Is Degrading’

    Buenos Aires is shutting down its zoo to give the animals a better life. Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, mayor of Argentina’s capital city, said keeping wild animals in captivity and on display is degrading, The Guardian reported. The zoo’s 2,500 animals—89 species of mammals, 49 species of reptiles and 175 species of birds—will be moved to […]